

There are 1272 open source, private and corporate developers, whose freeware applications and games for Android are proudly listed in the Freeware Lovers repository.

  1. 1908 Media
  2. 3Beam Technologies, LLC
  3. 3CX
  4. 6thday
  5. 7art Studio
  6. A^2 Studio
  7. a22
  8. ABBYY Software House
  9. Abhishek Kumar
  10. ABneta UAB
  11. Abraham Macias Paredes
  13. AcroDesign Technologies
  14. Aculocity
  15. adaffix
  16. Adam K
  17. Adam Plocher
  18. Adam Renberg
  19. Adam Sill
  20. Adar Gano
  21. Adobe Systems
  22. Adrian Vintu
  23. Affle Pte Ltd
  24. Ages Games
  25. Agile Fusion
  26. AgileSoft Resource
  27. Agustín González
  28. AHG, Inc.
  29. AI Factory Limited
  30. AJAS
  31. Al Ellsworth
  32. Al. R.
  33. Aldiko Limited
  34. Alessandro Pira
  35. Alessandro Scarozza
  36. AlessandroPiola
  37. Alex Bootman
  38. Alex Radzhabov
  39. Alex Xin
  40. Alex Yanchenko
  41. Alexandru Budin
  42. Alexey Penskikh
  43. alfach
  44. Alfredo Morresi
  45. AllBinary
  46. Allentium Software
  47. Aloqa
  48. Alphonso Labs
  49. alt236
  50. Amazing Droid
  51. Amazon Mobile
  53. Amplio
  54. Anasthase
  55. AnchorFree GmbH
  57. Anders Aagaard
  58. AnderWeb
  59. Andrea de Iacovo, Lorenzo Mele, Eros Pedrini
  60. Andrew Chatham
  61. Andrew de Quincey
  62. Andrew Schwimmer
  63. Andrey Novikov
  64. Andrey Petrenko
  65. Andrey Zed Zaikin
  66. Android Apps
  67. Android Does
  68. Android Fantasy Sports
  69. Android Illusion
  70. Android Research
  71. AndroidCap Inc.
  72. AndroidChat Team
  73. androidexperts
  74. AndroidNetwork
  75. androidshiv
  76. androidVNC Team & antlersoft
  77. Androidz
  78. AndRS Studio
  79. Andy Botting
  80. Andy Bryant
  81. Andy Wright
  82. Anfani LLC
  83. Anhui OSS
  84. Anil Ramnanan
  85. ANT
  86. Anthony Dahanne
  87. Antoine Vianey
  88. Anubavam
  89. Anvisics
  90. Ãœbermind, Inc.
  91. AOL Inc.
  92. aor.leadapps
  93. apexdroid
  94. APK Labs
  95. apking
  96. AppforceG1
  97. AppPlantation
  98. Apps4Mobile
  99. Appulearn
  100. APSoft Systems
  101. Aptoide
  102. Arcadium Software
  103. ArcDroid
  104. arcMedia
  105. Aress Software
  106. Armond Avanes
  107. arormoser
  108. Arron La
  109. ArtfulBits Inc.
  110. Artificial Machines
  111. Ashley Technology Limited
  112. aspidoff
  113. AsQ
  114. Assurant
  115. asterdroid mobile
  116. Astonsoft Ltd
  118. at ease
  119. Atrant SG
  120. atrus123
  121. Augmented Reality Tags Project
  122. Augusto Bott
  123. Automattic, Inc
  124. AutoZone
  125. Autrien
  126. Avery Software Support
  128. AvivoNet Software
  129. AxDroid LLC
  130. Aziz Huss
  131. azur
  132. B&B (Bread & Butter) Tool
  133. B&L
  134. Babak Mozaffari
  135. Backflip Studios Inc.
  136. Bakhtiyor Khodjayev
  137. Bao Le
  138. barcoo
  139. Baris Efe
  140. Barnes and Noble
  141. Battery Powered Games, LLC
  142. Bazaar Labs
  143. beka
  144. Belgian Waves
  145. Ben Caldwell
  146. Ben Zibble
  147. Inc.
  148. BeyondExisting
  149. biAji
  150. Big in Japan, Inc.
  152. BigTinCan
  153. Bill Meltsner
  154. Bill Napier
  155. Billa AG
  156. BiShiNews
  157. bitelchux
  158. bitpocket
  160. Bitt Faulk
  161. Blackmoon Info Tech Svcs
  162. B.V.
  163. Bogdan Mykhaylovych
  164. bolau studios
  165. Bolfish
  166. Bonfire Media, Inc.
  167. Boolba Labs LLC
  168. BordersOnline
  169. Boskoi
  170. Brad Degelau
  171. Brad Drehmer
  172. Brad Fitzpatrick
  173. Bradley G Hohn
  174. Brain Overspill
  175. Bram Borggreve
  176. Bratag
  177. Brendan Dahl
  178. BrennaSoft
  179. Brian Hull
  180. Browsix Developer
  181. Bruno Fantin
  182. Buman@Home
  183. Bump Technologies, Inc
  184. BuzlyLabs
  185. BuzzBox, Inc.
  186. C-brains Corporation
  187. C2Call GmbH
  188. CadreWorks Pty Ltd
  189. Calford
  190. Callpod Inc
  191. Candy Mobile
  192. CardStar, Inc.
  193. Carl Cedergren
  194. Caspar Isemer
  196. CBS Interactive, Inc.
  197. Cedric Beust
  198. Cengage Learning
  199. Cesar Valiente Gordo
  200. chaozh
  201. Char Software, inc.
  202. Chen Chen
  203. Chicago Android
  204. Chicken Brick Studios
  205. Chocolate Empire Media
  206. chompSMS
  207. Chris Boyle
  208. Chris Capaci
  209. Chris Economou
  210. Christian Albert Mueller
  211. Christian Dadswell
  212. Christoph Studer
  213. Christophe Bessis
  214. Christophe-Marie Duquesne
  215. Citizen Sports
  216. CityJams
  217. Clear Channel Radio Digital
  218. ClearCheckbook
  219. Clive Cox
  220. CLLam
  221. CNN
  222. Code Sector
  223. CodeArt
  224. Coding Caveman
  225. CodingAndroid
  226. Comitic
  227. Concrete Software, Inc.
  228. Conde Nast Digital
  229. connvision Ltd.
  230. cool cherry trees
  231. Coollet
  232. Cooloud
  233. cooolmagic
  234. CorsairBand
  235. Coveroid, Inc
  236. Craig G
  237. CreationPal
  238. Creon
  239. CRinUS
  240. Cube Innovations
  241. CurveFish
  242. cvp
  243. CWE Software
  244. cyandroid
  246. Cyril Jaquier
  247. D. L. Yonge-Mallo
  248. Dale Jefferson
  249. Dan Walkes
  250. Daniel Önnerby
  251. Daniel Cachapa
  252. Daniel Himmelein
  253. Daniel Jung
  254. Daniel Velazco
  255. Daniil Smelov
  256. Danijel Stojnic
  257. DART
  258. DasÖrtliche Service- und Marketing GmbH
  259. DataViz, Inc.
  260. Dato
  261. Dattas Moonchaser
  262. Davanum Srinivas
  263. Dave Revell
  264. David Johnston
  265. David N. Welton
  266. ddmobile
  267. debueb
  268. Deezer Mobile
  269. Defiant Technology
  270. Denis Nelubin
  271. Denis Solonenko
  272. Dennis Bond
  273. Denys Seguret
  274. Deonn Games, LLC
  275. DeskAngel
  276. Deutsche Bahn AG
  277. Deutsche Post AG
  278. Deutsche Telekom AG
  279. Dev-inci
  280. Developers Simplify Lives
  281. Devesh Parekh
  282. Dhanika Kaushalya Perera
  283. diafygi
  284. Dianne Hackborn
  285., LLC
  286. Diego Soto
  287. Dieter Roth
  288. Digg Inc.
  289. Digitalarti
  290. Diligent Labs
  291. Diop Mamadou
  292. Diotasoft
  293. Directgov
  294. Dirk Vranckaert
  295. Discover Financial Services
  296. DISH Network LLC
  297. Disney
  298. DNS Project
  299. doAndroids
  300. Doctor Web
  301. dodol
  302. Dolphin Browser
  303. Dolphin Browser Add-ons
  304. Don Kelley
  305. Dongfu He
  306. dooblou
  307. doubleTwist Corp
  310. dpimka
  311. Dr. Alexander Rieger
  312. DragonPlay
  314. Dreemchest
  315. DrLAB
  316. DroidDevWork
  317. DroidHen
  318. droidSecurity Inc.
  319. DroidStick
  320. DroidWise
  321. Dropbox, Inc.
  322. dtg-android
  323. Duck Tayp
  324. DV-A
  325. Dynotes
  326. Dytara
  327. e-Legion Ltd.
  328. EABE Software
  329. Easyroid
  330. eBay Mobile
  331. eBuddy
  332. EclipSim
  333. Ecole Esprit
  334. Ed Burnette
  335. Eder Rueda Fernandes
  336. Edouard Mercier
  337. Edvision
  338. Edward A. Webb
  339. Edwards Digital Technologies, LLC
  340. EeeNetLive
  341. Efren Abella
  342. Egis Technology Inc.
  343. elaurentin
  344. ElectricSheep
  345. ellimark
  346. Elviss Kuštans
  347. EmailAlbum
  348. Emck
  349. Emiliano Maracci
  350. Emilie Roberts
  351. eMobiStudio Inc.
  352. Emre Yucel
  353. Endomondo
  354. eolwral
  355. episode6
  356. Epocrates, Inc.
  357. Eric Burke
  358. Eric Johnson
  359. Erik Kok
  360. esMobile
  361. ESPN Inc
  362. EStrongs
  363. Etalon Mobile
  364. ETH Zurich
  365. Eugene Krasnopolskiy
  366. Eurosport
  367. Evan Charlton
  368. Evernote Corp.
  369. Everybody All The Time
  370. EverySoft
  371. Eyes-Free Project
  372. F5 tbl.
  373. Fabio Collini
  374. Fabrizio Cattadori
  375. Facebook
  376. Factory Widgets
  377. FAF Labs
  378. Fantalog Interactive Co., Ltd.
  379. farproc
  380. FatSecret
  381. Favorite Android
  382. Federico Carnales
  383. Feelsocial
  384. Felix Bechstein
  385. Felix Oghină
  386. figofuture
  387. Filipe Abrantes
  388. FIN Team
  389. Finer Mobile
  390. firebear
  391. FirstLogix Pte Ltd
  392. firstrow RIA
  393. Fish Run Games
  394. FlightStats
  395. FlightView Inc.
  396. Flixster Inc.
  397. Florian Maul
  398. Florian Sundermann
  399. Fluidtime Dataservices
  400. folone
  401. Foncannon Inc
  402. fonter
  403. foobum
  404. Forex On The Go, LLC.
  406. foursquare
  407. FOX News Network, LLC
  408. Fraga Games
  409. Fraunhofer
  410. Fred Brunel
  411. Fredrik Farnstrom
  412. Free Music Inc.
  413. Free Music Inc.
  414. Freeware Lovers
  415. friedger
  416. Friedrich Schäuffelhut
  417. fring
  418. Fruits Mobile
  419. FSS Inc.
  420. FullQuieting Inc.
  421. funky monkey
  422. FuseTree LLC
  423. Fuzzymonkey
  424. FXware
  425. Gaetan Eleouet
  426. GameWarrior
  427. Genera Interactive
  428. Geometer Plus
  429. George Z.
  430. Gerard Brandon
  432. GExperts Inc
  433. ggi
  434. ggjProjects
  435. Ghost Squared
  436. Gianmarco David
  437. GivenToFly
  438. Glu Mobile
  439. Glympse Inc.
  440. gman16k
  441. gmobilesoft
  442. GO Dev Team
  443. Go2mobile Inc.
  444., Inc.
  445. Goddchen
  446. GOGII, Inc.
  447. Google Inc.
  448. Google Places Directory Team
  449. Googoo Android
  450. Goto Init
  451. Gowalla
  452. Gp Imports
  453. gPatrick
  454. Gravity Boulevard, LLC
  455. Green Code
  456. Gregory House
  457. Grigory Fishilevich
  458. Grindr LLC
  459. gslngr Soft
  460. GTX Corp
  461. Guardam
  462. Guiang Corporation
  463. Guided Ways Technologies Ltd.
  464. gwofoundry
  465. Habbo
  466. Haelions DOO
  467. Hambel Software
  468. Handmark
  469. HandyGames
  470. Hanping
  471. happydroid
  472. Hashir N A
  473. HeadCode
  474. Health Team
  475. Healthy Wealthy India
  476. HebuS Mobile
  478. HeroCraft Ltd
  479. herrlado
  480. HexaD
  481. Hexage Ltd
  482. Heyman Claude
  483. HGames
  484. High Gloss
  485. Highway North Interactive
  486. Hirak Chatterjee
  487. HiveBrain Software
  488. Hlidskialf
  490. HotelsByMe
  491. HSN LP
  492. Hugo Groeneveld
  493. Hugo Visser
  494. HUJI Android Team
  495. Humanitarian FOSS Project
  496. Humankind Software
  497. Hyeoksu,Shin
  498. Hyeongkyu Lee
  499. Hyves
  500. i-p-tel GmbH
  501. i4nApps
  502. iambic
  503. iApp Ventures LLC
  504. Ibotsoft
  505. iBuyWeSell
  506. icicle
  507. Iconosys, Inc.
  508. ICQ Ltd.
  509. icyerasor
  510. Idea Softworks
  511. Idealo Internet GmbH
  512. IDKJava
  513. Igor Fischer
  514. Igor Sul
  515. ikamobile Limited
  516. Ikutu
  517. ilarele
  518. Ildar Karimov
  519. IMDb
  520. imeem, inc.
  521. Immortal
  522. IMO.IM
  523. iMobLife Inc.
  524. Inner Four, Inc
  525. Intelliarts Ltd
  526. intellibitz
  527. Intersog
  528. intervigil
  529. iQulabs
  530. is06
  531. Issuu, Inc.
  532. iStockManager
  533. Iulian Banaga, Ciprian Talaba
  534. Ivan Greene
  535. Ivan Trusov
  536. ixellence GmbH
  537. Jörg Langner & Andreas Wiedemann
  538. Jack Palevich
  539. jackeey.wu
  540. Jacklin & Alenyu
  541. JADE Team
  542. Jaganlal S Thoppe
  543. Jakizu
  544. James Becwar
  545. James N
  546. James OBrien
  547. Jan Bartel
  548. Jan Vařečka
  549. Jang Young Nam
  550. jared.w.smith
  551. Jason Lee
  552. Jason Tomlinson
  553. jasonwong
  554. Jasper de Keijzer
  555. jasta00
  556. JaVaK Android-Spa
  557. jaytronix
  558. Jeff Hamilton
  559. Jeff Taylor
  560. Jeff Wilke
  561. Jeffrey Blattman
  562. Jeffrey Sharkey
  563. Jegs High Performance
  564. Jenny Wissen
  565. Jens Weppner
  566. Jérôme Chabod
  567. Jersey Productions
  568. Jesper D Svensson
  569. Jim Blackler
  570. jinmanran
  571. Jinu George
  572. JK Company
  573. jmfmob
  574. Joël Bourquard
  575. Joan Puig Sanz
  576. JoanSoft
  577. Joe Farrell
  578. Johan Hilding
  579. John Bäckstrand
  580. John Lombardo
  581. John Villar
  582. johnnyjohnny
  583. Johospace Co., Ltd.
  584. Jon A. Webb
  585. Jon Lerner
  586. Jon Willis
  587. Jorim Jaggi
  588. Josh Guilfoyle
  589. Joshua Sera
  591. JRTStudio
  592. jsdf, LLC
  593. jSource
  594. Juha Halme
  595. June Fabrics Technology Inc.
  596. K-9 Dog Walkers
  597. Kairosoft Co. Ltd.
  598. kakao
  599. KaKu
  601. kamax_android
  602. Kanak
  603. Karl Fischer
  604. Karl Ostmo
  605. Kaufcom Games Apps Widgets
  606. KAYAK
  607. Kayenko
  608. Kazaloo
  609. KD Apps
  610. Ken Hunt
  611. Ken Magic
  612. Kenji Kubota
  613. Kenneth Riggio
  614. Kenny Root and Jeffrey Sharkey
  615. Kevin AN
  617. Kik Interactive
  618. Kim Hwan
  619. Kishor
  620. Kishor Gandham
  621. Kiumiu Soft
  622. Kobo Inc.
  623. Koert Zeilstra
  624. Kokopelli Software, LLC
  625. Koku
  626. Kongregate
  627. Kounch
  628. Kreactive Technologies
  629. Kris Brower
  630. Kukurin Android Team
  631. Kurt Radwanski
  632. Kyle Fischer
  633. Kyoogi
  634. Laan Labs
  635. Laputa Team
  636. Larry Greenfield
  637. Larry Wong
  638. Last Day of Work, LLC
  639. Ltd.
  640. Latedroid
  641. LauCass
  642. Layar
  643. Le
  644. LearnCPR
  645. Leo GmbH
  646. LevelUp Studio
  647. Libero
  649. Lifeware Solutions
  650. Lior Gonnen
  651. Liquid Air Lab GmbH
  652. LiveMixing
  653. livingsword
  654. Logan Hanks
  655. Logisoft Games
  656. Logofactory Development Team
  657. Lohse
  658. Lookout
  659. lucas wang
  660. Lucky-dog, Xing
  661. LuckyDroid
  662. Luis G. Valle
  663. Lukasz Lojek
  664. Lupis Labs Software
  666. M-Square Apps
  667. M. Lowijs
  668. m3roving
  669. Müller, Lemons, Buxton
  670. Mabilo Android Team
  671. Maciej
  672. Macrosoft
  673. MAGALT
  674. Magne P Zachrisen
  675. Mail.Ru
  676. Maize
  677. makeramen
  678. Maliek Mcknight
  679. Mamoru Tokashiki
  680. mandlar
  681. Mangobird
  682. Maplekey Company LLC
  683. MapleWorks Technology Inc.
  684. mAPPn, Inc.
  685. MAQ Software
  686. Marc Stogaitis and Mimi Sun
  687. Marc Weber
  688. Marcel Hoffs
  689. Marco Nelissen
  690. Marcus905
  691. Marek Stój
  692. Mariano Kamp
  693. Marimba Linoleum
  694. Marin Kovacic
  695. Market Simplified Inc
  696. Markus Drösser
  697. Markus Wiederkehr
  698. Martin Adamek
  699. Martin Denham
  700. Martin Drashkov
  701. Martin Eriksen
  702. Martin Hinsch
  703. Marton Veges
  704. Mathieu Maret
  705. MathPad Software
  706. mation
  707. Matt Carver
  708. Matt Hansen
  709. Matt Schmidt
  710. Matthew Gaunt
  711. Matthew T. Russotto
  712. Matthias Brandt
  713. Maurizio Pinotti
  714. Maurizio Poli,
  715. Max Lv
  716. MaxDroid
  717. Maxthon Asia Ltd.
  718. MediaFriends, Inc.
  719. Mediapost
  720. Medieval Software
  721. MedpageToday LLC
  722. Meebo
  723. Mehmet Ali Ertürk
  724. Melloware
  725. Menny Even Danan
  726. Merce Chan
  727. Metago
  728. Metosphere
  729. MHGames
  730. Miceli Bros.
  731. Michael Collins
  732. Michael Quach
  733. Michel Racic
  734. Microsoft Tag
  735. Mike Baroukh
  736. Mike Luby
  737. Mike Perrow
  738. mikeyin
  739. Miklos Keresztes
  740. Mindstorm Studios
  742. Mirko Schenk
  743. mixare Team
  744. MixZing
  745. Mizu Software Solutions
  746. mkoss
  747. mmin
  748. Mobawa
  749. MobDecor
  750. Mobestream Media
  751. Mobiata
  753. Mobile Action
  754. Mobile Life Centre
  755. Mobile Software Design, LLC
  756. Mobile Tag
  757. Mobile1Sports
  758. MobilityFlow
  759. Mobilizy GmbH
  760. Mobo Team
  761. Mobstudio
  762. Modded Logic
  764. Modula d.o.o.
  765. Moonbeam Development
  766. Moonblink
  767. moondar
  768. Motalen
  769. MotherApp
  770. Mouse Click Enterprise
  771. Movesti
  772. Mozilla
  773. MReunion Labs
  774. mrgaolei
  775. MSN
  776. mstevetodd
  778. Multilude SARL
  779. Multimedia atelier
  780. Multimedia Online Services, Inc
  781. MVA
  782. MVApp
  783. mydroidsoft
  784. MyFitnessPal, LLC
  786. myLEADERBOARD, Inc.
  787. MyMobiTools
  788. MySoccer 24/7
  789. MySpace Mobile
  790. Namco Networks
  791. Nano Equipment Pte Ltd
  792. Natsuyasumi
  793. Nav4All
  794. NBC Universal, Inc.
  795. NCCN
  796. Ndroidz Software
  797. NeatoFun
  798. Nefarious Monkey Studios
  799. Neferty Solutions
  800. Neil Loknath
  801. Nekrasov Andrey
  802. NetQin Mobile Inc.
  803. Nevosoft
  804. nEx.Software
  805. Next Mobile Web
  806. NG-Computing
  807. Nguyen Tan Hon
  808. NHN Corporation
  809. Niall Scott
  810. Nicholas Killewald
  811. Nicolas Gramlich
  812. Nicolas Kijak
  813. Nicolas Raoul
  814. Nike, Inc.
  815. Nikolay Ananiev
  816. Nikolay Elenkov
  817. Nikolay Klendar
  818. nilknarf
  819. nilriri
  820. Nils Braden
  821. NIX Solutions
  822. Noble Master Games
  823. Nominet UK
  824. Norbert Toth-Gati
  825. NPR
  826. Nullsoft, Inc.
  829. OANDA Corporation
  830. OlivePhone
  831. Olivier Bonal
  832. Omikron
  833. OneStepAhead AG
  834. Ookla
  835. OopsCity Studio
  836. OpenCrowd
  837. Openguild
  838. OpenIntents
  839. Opera Software
  840. Orchid Project
  841. OreDale
  842. Oren Bengigi
  843. Oskar Wiksten
  844. OTTER LLC
  845. Outfit7
  846. Oxonom
  847. Ozura World
  848. Pablo Verd Gallego
  849. PacketVideo
  850. Pad Thai Technology
  851. Paddy Foran
  852. Pageonce, Inc.
  853. PalmAgent Inc
  854. Palringo
  855. Panu Vuorinen
  856. PaoloWeb
  857. Papaya Mobile Inc.
  858. Papierdoll
  859. Paranoid Android
  860. Paul Watts
  861. Paul Wyre
  862. Pavel Tiunov
  863. Pavlo Aksonov
  864. Pavol Michalec
  865. Pawel Aleksander Fedorynski
  866. PayPal Mobile
  867. Pedro Dias
  868. PerBlue
  869. Pete C
  870. Peter Baldwin
  871. Peter Björkman
  872. Peter Dolan
  873. Peter Ma
  874. Peter Mc Tachatte
  875. Pezz8 Inc.
  877. Pharos Technology Partners LLC
  878. Phil Ray
  879. Phone Apps Pro
  880. Phone Bros
  881. PhoneKlone Team
  883. PhotoFunia
  885. Pierre Durand
  886. Piotr Gridniew
  887. Piotr Zagawa
  889. Plusmo, Inc.
  890. PMovil
  891. Pocket Play
  892. Pocketeers Limited
  894. polAND
  895. Polidea Lab
  896. Pomeshikov Semen
  897. Postmodestie Apps
  898. PQRS Mobile Inc.
  899. PQRS Mobile Inc.
  900. Prasanta Paul
  901. Pratima Soft
  902. probeez
  903. Prodevelop
  904. ProjectNanoGoose
  905. ProOnGo LLC
  906. ProSoft Technology
  907. ProSyst
  908. Psym Mobile
  910. putitonline
  911. Puzzle World
  912. QNAP
  913. Quasar Studios
  914. Quattro Media Corporation
  915. Quirk Consulting, Inc.
  916. QxMD Medical Software Inc.
  917. Qype GmbH
  918. Radardroid
  919. Radio France
  920. RadioTime Inc
  921. Raffaele Ragni
  922. rafoid
  923. Ramin Mashhadi
  924. rawthought
  925. Ray Chung
  926. RayDar
  927. Raz Corp
  928. RBWare
  929. RDRR Labs
  930. ReallyFYI
  931. RealNetworks, Inc.
  932. ReChild
  933. Red Droid Software
  935. RedRabbit Interactive
  936. RefineAndroid
  937. Regis Montoya
  938. remipouak, stefan.agner
  939. Remko Weingarten
  940. René de Groot
  941. Requested Apps
  942. Requests
  943. Requiem Software Labs, Inc
  945. Reto Meier
  946. Rhythm Software
  947. Ricardo Fraile
  948. Richard Gruet
  949. right
  950. Ringdroid Team
  951. Ringlert, Inc
  952. ringtone
  953. Rio Park
  954. rjmarsan
  955. rlDev
  956. Robert McDowell
  957. Robert.Developer
  958. Roberto Leinardi
  959. Roberto Marra
  960. Roberto Venturelli
  961. Robot Media
  962. Rock Software
  963. Rodrigo Damazio
  964. Rodrigo Zechin Rosauro
  965. Roger Lemmon Apps
  966. Roger Tawa Jr
  967. rojekti
  968. RolTekk
  969. Romain Vallet
  970. Roman Golovanov
  971. Roman Kazantsev
  972. Roman Masek
  973. Roman Preiss
  974. Romulus Urakagi Ts\'ai
  975. Ron Planken
  976. Ronny Röhricht
  977. Rovio Mobile
  978. RPG Developers
  979. RTVE Servicios Interactivos
  980. Rubén López
  981. rugbymauri
  982. Rune J
  983. runtastic
  984. Russell Wilson
  985. Rutgers University
  986. Ryan Bailey
  987. RyanZA
  988. Ryo Ichinose
  989. S Popper
  990. S.Mustafa
  991. Saad Alrawaf
  992. sacoskun
  993. Sadko Mobile
  994. SAkira
  995. Salt
  996. Salzburg Research
  997. Sam Lu
  998. sampson
  999. Samurai International, LLC.
  1000. sashomasho
  1001. SatNav Technologies Pvt Ltd
  1002. Scanbuy, Inc.
  1003. Scheff\'s Blend
  1004. Score Media Ventures Inc.
  1005. Score Service Ltd
  1006. Scott Weston
  1008. sdd
  1009. sdk
  1010. Sebastian Delmont
  1011. Seesmic
  1012. Seneca Creek Software
  1013. Sergej Shafarenka
  1014. Sergey Indlin
  1016. serrghi
  1017. SevenOne Intermedia GmbH
  1018. Shaka Huang
  1019. Shane Fulmer
  1020. SHAPE Services
  1021. Shazam Entertainment Limited
  1022. Shinycore
  1023. shisho
  1024. Shrav B. Mehta
  1025. Simon McLaughlin
  1026. Simon Schoar
  1027. SimpLabs
  1028. Sinful Software
  1029. Sirius Applications Ltd.
  1030. Siva G
  1031. skvalex
  1032. Skyfire
  1033. skyoung09
  1034. Skype
  1035. Skyscape
  1036. Smart Android Apps, LLC
  1037. Smart GPS World
  1038. Smartpix Games
  1039. Smerty Software
  1040. Smiles Repaired
  1041. Smitha K
  1043. smsrobot
  1044. SnapTell, Inc.
  1045. Social & Mobile, Inc.
  1046. Social Soft
  1047. Socratica, LLC
  1048. SoftAKGames
  1049. SoftXPerience
  1050. Soh Guan Hoe
  1051. Solarwhirl
  1052. Solvek
  1053. Somenath Mukhopadhyay
  1054. Sonico Mobile
  1055. Sopht
  1056. SoundHound Inc.
  1057. SoundOfMotion Technologies Inc.
  1058. Soundroid 2012
  1059. Space Cowboy
  1060. Spacetime Studios
  1061. spacewarpgames
  1063. Spartacus Rex
  1064. Spartan Coders
  1065. SPB Software
  1066. SpeakWrite
  1067. SpeedyMarks
  1068. Speknid
  1069. SpiceLoop
  1070. SpinMedia Development Studio
  1071. Spiritiz
  1073. Spring Meds Inc.
  1074. Spud Pickles
  1075. SquishyApp
  1076. Star Finanz GmbH
  1077. StarObject
  1078. Stefan Handschuh
  1079. Stefan Zelazny
  1080. Stellar Information Technology Pvt. Ltd.
  1081. Stepan Stepasyuk
  1082. Stephen Ng
  1083. Steve Coward / PhillyAndroid
  1084. Steve Garon
  1085. Steve Kondik
  1086. Steven Osborn
  1087. Storm8
  1088. StuckPixel, Inc.
  1089. Studio KUMA
  1090. StudioEleven
  1091. Stylem Media
  1092. Sun Products
  1093. Sweetrain
  1094. Swiss Codemonkeys
  1095. swordiApps GesnbR
  1096. sychee
  1097. Syntonetic Media Solutions
  1098. t2k269
  1099. Talk Builder
  1100. Tamás Barta
  1101. Tang Labs, LLC
  1102. TaniSoft Inc.
  1103. Tap Tap Keyboard
  1104. Taptu
  1105. Tasos Kleisas
  1106. TayKrOn Games
  1107. Team Blue
  1108. Team Replica
  1109. Team YD
  1110. Team-Android
  1111. Team-XBMC
  1112. Teazel Limited
  1113. TechAhead Software Pvt Ltd
  1114. tecxten
  1115. Telitrac Co.
  1116. Telitrac Co.
  1117. Tencent
  1118. Terry
  1119. Tesuji Games
  1120. Thats The Solution Mobile
  1121. The Artist Formerly Known As Mandroid
  1122. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
  1123. The Flaneur
  1124. The Game Boss
  1125. The Huffington Post
  1126. The New York Times Company
  1127. The Onion
  1128. The Spinning Head
  1129. The Toy Lounge
  1130. The Weather Channel
  1131. The Zumobi Network
  1132. Theasis
  1133. TheHolodeck
  1134. Therapeutic Research Center
  1136. Thex Interactive
  1137. Thialfihar
  1138. Thierry Schork
  1139. Thilo Mühlberg
  1140. Thom Nichols
  1141. Thomas Plesko
  1142. Thomas Wilburn
  1143. ThyMythos
  1144. TI Media Solutions Inc.
  1145. Tiago Sousa
  1146. TiKL Inc
  1147. Tim Clark
  1148. Tim Huckle
  1150. TKj
  1151. TMSOFT
  1152. Todoroo Inc.
  1153. Tom Coxon
  1154. Tom Farrell
  1155. Tom Gustafson
  1156. Tom Moor
  1157. Tom Taylor
  1158. Tomasz Buczynski
  1159. Tomi Mickelsson
  1160. Tomoya YAMAMOTO
  1161. Tony Cosentini
  1162. Tony Gentilcore
  1163. Topixoft team
  1164. Torben Schinke
  1165. ToYonos
  1166., Inc.
  1167. Travel IQ GmbH
  1168. Traveling Classics
  1169. Trevor Boyle
  1170. Trikita
  1171. TripAdvisor
  1172. TripIt, Inc.
  1173. Triple BandE LLC
  1174. Truphone Ltd
  1175. trygveaa
  1176. TuneWiki
  1177. TweetDeck Inc
  1178. Twentyseven Global, LLC
  1179. Twitchy A2
  1180. Twitter, Inc.
  1181. Two*States*Away*
  1182. Udell Enterprises, Inc
  1183. Umito
  1184. Unbound Medicine, Inc
  1185. unixseb
  1186. Upvise
  1187. USA TODAY
  1188. Veenix, LLC
  1190. Vireo
  1191. VirtualTechs
  1192. Visual Blasters
  1193. Visual IT Limited
  1194. Vitaliy Garshyn
  1195. Vivek M Iyer
  1196. VKontakte
  1197. VMSL
  1198. Vodafone D2 GmbH
  1199. Vopelka
  1200. Vopium A/S
  1201. Voxmobili
  1202. vpalex
  1203. Vue Networks Pte Ltd
  1204. Wade Mealing
  1205. Walter Yongtao Wang
  1207. waze
  1208. WeatherBug Mobile
  1209. Webcipe
  1211. Webworks and Applications Inc.
  1212. whiletrue & color monkey
  1214. WildArt
  1215. William Paumier
  1216. William Wall
  1217. Wing Tseng
  1218. Witoslaw Koczewski
  1219. Wizard Studios
  1220. Wizard Works
  1221. WorkSmart Labs Inc.
  1222. WP Technology Inc.
  1223. Wrike
  1224. wulltd
  1225. Wushibu LLC
  1226. WVTC Productions
  1228. Wyse Technology
  1229. X19Soft
  1230. xb1101101
  1231. xeudoxus
  1232. Xhelas
  1233. XIMAD
  1234. Xiphoid Technologies
  1235. XMS Developers
  1236. Xorcode
  1237. XWITS
  1238. Yahoo! Inc.
  1239. Yahoo! Inc.
  1240. Yakoo
  1241. Yan-David Erlich
  1242. Yannick Stucki
  1243. YellOut Creative
  1244. Yellowbook
  1245. Yelp
  1246. Yermek Zhumagulov
  1247. yidongsoft
  1248. ymst
  1249. YodaLab
  1250. Yoichi Hirai
  1251. Yongki C. AndykaJong
  1252. yongzh
  1253. YouDroid
  1254. YoungHoon Park
  1255. YourAndroid
  1256. Yu Xin
  1257. Yuli
  1258. Yves Glodt
  1259. zanhabar
  1260. zaTelnet
  1262. Zedge
  1263. ZenMobi
  1264. ZeroTouchSystems
  1265. Zhaidarbek Ayazbayev
  1266. Zhao Xin
  1267. Zimly
  1268. Zimmermann & Marban
  1269. Zirak
  1270. Zoodles
  1271. Zurloid
  1272. ZXing Team


Games (176)
Finance (59)
Health (91)
Travel (104)
Reference (146)
Productivity (230)
Multimedia (116)
Communications (215)
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Entertainment (256)
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