Book Price Russia
Scan any book barcode to search in Russian online book stores.
Developer: Ivan Trusov
Category: Shopping
Platform: Android
Submitted: 27 Apr 2010
Updated: 18 Aug 2010
Scan any book barcode to search in Russian online book stores.It requires that the Barcode Scanner application is installed. The user will be prompted to download the application, if needed.
Book Price Russia for Android
Scan any book barcode to search in Russian online book stores.
Book Price Russia 2.3 seem to be the latest available version for the Android platform. Below you can find file(s) assigned to this version:
- BookPriceRussia.apk (48 KB, ↓ 0)
There are totally 1 version(s) of Book Price Russia for Android on this site. More details and all its versions are available on the Book Price Russia for Android portal.
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