
wetter.info is a weather app with the information for many cities and countries worldwide. It indicates weather state, wind, rainfall, humidity, etc.


  1. Description
  2. wetter.info for Android


Developer: Deutsche Telekom AG

Category: Reference

Platform: Android

Submitted: 18 Apr 2010

Updated: 6 Aug 2010

wetter.info - eine Wetter-App mit Informationen zu tausenden Orten und Ländern weltweit: Wetterzustand, Wind, Niederschlag sowie Luftfeuchtigkeit - inklusive Vorhersage. Wetter-Karten weltweit. Wolkenniederschlagsfilm (Prognose). Videos über die Wetterlage, das Wochenendwetter und spezielle Themen.

wetter.info for Android

wetter.info is a weather app with the information for many cities and countries worldwide. It indicates weather state, wind, rainfall, humidity, etc.

wetter.info 1.0.2 seem to be the latest available version for the Android platform. Below you can find file(s) assigned to this version:

There are totally 2 version(s) of wetter.info for Android on this site. More details and all its versions are available on the wetter.info for Android portal.


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