
TooDo is a smart task manager. It allows you to set and share tasks with others via SMS.


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  4. Old versions


Developer: Edouard Mercier

Category: Productivity

Latest version: 2.4.3

Total versions: 41

Submitted: 30 Oct 2008

Updated: 30 Oct 2008


TooDo is a smart task manager. It allows you to set and share tasks with others via SMS. TooDo offers geographically-based notification reminders. TooDo proposes to capture textual, audio or video notes related to a task.

  • You can two-way synchronize with your "Remember The Milk" lists and tasks.
  • You can two-way synchronize with your "Toodledo" folders and tasks!
  • You can define locations for alerts to be triggered when you enter or leave a zone.


TooDo 2.4.3 seem to be the latest available version. Below you can find file(s) assigned to this version:

Description/changelog of TooDo 2.4.3:

Here are the changes for this version:

* Main screen: remembers the lastly active tab when leaving TooDo, and activates it back when launching it back
* Database optimization: some major optimizations have been introduced, so as to reduce load times. Especially, the display of a to-do reminder screen is way faster, and once the list of to-dos has been loaded, switching from one view to another is faster
* Upgrade screen: during the database upgrade stage, a progress dialog box is displayed
* Geo-notifications: the location tracking mechanism has been fixed. The Android device location is not tracked anymore when the "Geo-notification" "Enabled" box (in the "Settings" screen) is unchecked. TooDo uses primarily the GPS if enabled, and then the network location
* Synchronization: when removing a due date in TooDo, the modification was not not properly propagated in RTM and Toodledo. This has been fixed
* "Add To-Do" box: the first letter of the text is capitalized according to the Android settings
* Category "No reminder" default remind value: it is now possible to indicate that a category should not set a reminder for its to-dos, via the new "No reminder" value. By default, a new category now has a "Default: due in..." field set to "No due date" and a "Default: reminder in..." set to "No reminder": this means that no due date will be set when creating a to-do belonging to a category that has not been customized, and that, when importing RTM and Toodledo tasks, no reminder will be set unless the category they belong to have been customized.

Note that when upgrading to that version, the TooDo alerts are disabled: in order to enable them back, please go to the "Dashboard" screen, and then click the "Alerts" toggle button.

Old versions

Below are the earlier versions of TooDo.

TooDo 2.4.2

Description/changelog of TooDo 2.4.2:

Here are the changes.

  • To-do modification screen: it is now possible to set multiple contexts. The to-do "Conditions" screen is bound to disappear. For the moment, you cannot indicate not to trigger a notification for all to-dos when changing a context, but this will be back when the geo-notification refactoring will start
  • RTM synchronization: the RTM tags starting with a "@" are now synchronized and mapped to TooDo contexts. When a context contains white spaces, they are replaced on RTM' side by a "_" and vice versa
  • URL action: it is now possible to set the action associated to a to-do in its modification screen. Use the "..." button for choosing to make a phone call, sending a SMS or send an e-mail: this updates the textual field on its right, which you can still freely fulfill manually. When you set a URL action on a to-do, on the reminder screen, on its view screen, or from the to-dos list screen (via the contextual menu), you can run that action. Should be very handy when it comes to remind to call someone, send a SMS or send an e-mail. If end-users think that this is usefull, we can also add a chat action...
  • Date and time formatting: now, all displayed dates and times comply to the Android device global settings
  • Sending a to-do: it is now possible to send a to-do via SMS or e-mail. You can do that from the to-dos list screen contextual menu, or from its view screen. Works with the Android built-in e-mail and SMS applications
  • Purge completed to-do: there is now a new "Purge" button on the "Dashboard" screen, which deletes the completed to-dos from the internal TooDo database
  • Deleted to-dos purge: the deleted to-dos were not actually removed from the internal database, if you do not synchronize. This has been fixed, and this will be run at upgrade time
  • "Help" screen: now, a dialog box is displayed, which shows various options, instead of directing the end-user directly to the official support site. It is now possible to chat with the development team: do not hesitate to use that feature for more dynamical support
  • To-do no due time: it is now possible to indicate that a to-do has no due time on its modification screen, via the new "No time" button
  • Toodledo synchronization:
    • when a to-do with a due date is marked in TooDo, the Toodledo task counterpart was not marked as completed when synchronizing. This has been fixed;
    • the start date of a Toodledo task used to be mapped to the remind date of a TooDo to-do. This has been discarded, because it does not make much sense;
    • as for RTM, a reminder is set on a to-do when its corresponding Toodledo task due time is set (or if the "Reminder for midnight" option is checked on the "Synchronization" section of the "Settings" screen), according to the default settings of the to-do category settings
  • Synchronization remind date: the remind time applied when synchronizing a to-do, based on the category default remind span was wrong of a factor of 60. This has been fixed


TooDo 2.4.1

Description/changelog of TooDo 2.4.1:

Here are the changes:

  • "Settings" screen crash in lite mode: when attempting to access this screen in lite mode (only), TooDo crashes. This has been fixed. We apologize for the inconvenience. A work around was to use the "standard" mode, and not the "lite" mode
  • Smart folder sorting and filtering: it is now possible to filter by text, and to sort the to-dos. This is customizable through the smart folder modification screen via the "Contains text" control and the "Sorting" combo box. When the "Contains text" is not empty, only the to-dos with some text (title, description, notes, but also contexts and category) that matches (the case does not matter) will be displayed. The "Sorting combo" indicates how to sort the displayed to-dos: when set to "Default", the sorting strategy is taken from the "Settings" scree, "Display" section, "Sort by due date?" check-box; when set to "Alphabetically", the to-do title is taken as the primary sorting key (the case is not taken into account); when set to "Due date first", the due date of the to-do is taken as a primary sorting key (the to-dos with no due date are displayed at the end); when set to "Importance first", the to-do importance is taken as primary key
  • To-do addition: it is now possible to add a to-do from the smart folders, categories, contexts, lists screens. There is now a "Add To-Do" box, that you can decide to display or not, at the top or at the bottom through the "Settings" screen, "Display" section, "'Add To-Do' box. When the end-user types some text on the textual box right to the "Add To-Do" button, and then hits that button, the to-do creation screen is displayed, and the to-do title is already set with the text previously typed in. Moreover, on the categories and contexts list screens, there is now a new "Add To-Do" context menu entry which is displayed when opening that menu on an item. In that case, the to-do creation screen is displayed, with either the category predefined or the context predefined
  • Notes list screen: when displaying the notes list screen of a to-do, the to-do title is now reminded on the screen title with the form ": Notes List"
  • To-dos count: the number of to-dos belong to a smart folder, category or context is now displayed on their list. It is appended to the item name/title, in parentheses, and omitted in case the count is null
    Android SDK: migrated to the version 1 release 2. This should not impact the end-user experience
  • To-do completion swipe gesture: you can now swipe from left to right or from right to left, and the threshold has been decreased a bit


TooDo 2.4.0

Description/changelog of TooDo 2.4.0:

Here are the chances:

  • Automatic synchronization: when accessing TooDo via an Android home screen icon shortcut, the automatic synchronization mechanism also works
  • Notes: it is now possible to create/edit/delete notes through the new "Notes" main tab. You can customize whether this notes list tab should be displayed via the "Settings" menu, "Display" section, "Notes Tab" check-box (this is disabled by default). The notes are available both in standard and lite modes. For the moment, you cannot synchronize them, and you can only create textual notes. Depending on the feedback, we will add multi-media notes and make them synchronized somehow (not with Toodledo nor RTM because they do not offer that feature), or at least propose an export/import feature. We intend to propose a feature that turns notes into to-dos, plus send notes via e-mail or SMS, plus remember the location where the note has been written... All those features will be available if end-users feel that it makes sense
  • "Dashboard" top-bar icon: a new icon is available on the Android top bar, displayed as an on-going notification, which displays the "Dashboard" screen when clicked. This should make the access of TooDo even easy and quick. You can disable that feature through the "Settings" screen, section "Display", check-box "Dashboard in top bar"
  • "Dashboard" screen: you can now synchronize or add a to-do from there
  • Upgrade: does not create the default contexts and optional smart folders any more when upgrading to a new version
  • To-do shortcut icon: it is now possible to create an icon on the Android home screen, which is a shortcut to a to-do. This can be done from the to-dos list screen, via the contextual menu, or via the to-do view screen, via the menu
  • Synchronization: when a to-do is marked completed in TooDo, at first synchronization when the "Clear completed to-dos" check-box of the "Settings" screen was enabled, the to-do remained in TooDo. This has been fixed
  • RTM notes synchronization: bugs have been fixed
    • when creating a to-do in TooDo with some notes associated, the notes were not created in RTM. This has been fixed
    • when changing a note title in TooDo, the modification is not propagated to RTM, and the RTM note title overwrites its TooDo counterpart instead. This has been fixed
    • when modifying a to-do note in TooDo, the modification was not propagated to RTM unless you add a new note or modify the TooDo. This has been fixed
  • Toodledo context synchronization: fixes the not propagated context when creating a new to-do in TooDo and synchronizing with Toodledo. The context used to be properly modified on the Toodledo task counterpart, only when having modified the to-do in TooDo
  • Settings screen: removed all buttons. Now, the end-user just needs to hit the section for an action
  • "Linkified" text: removes the auto-link of texts in edition mode. When there are URL or phone numbers, a text is considered as "linkified" if it is renders those items as an hyperlink, instead of just plain text
  • Database: when upgrading, the internal TooDo database will be defragmented, thus reducing its size noticeably


TooDo 2.3.6

Description/changelog of TooDo 2.3.6:

[no description available for this version]


TooDo 2.3.5

Description/changelog of TooDo 2.3.5:

[no description available for this version]


TooDo 2.3.4

Description/changelog of TooDo 2.3.4:

[no description available for this version]


TooDo 2.3.3

Description/changelog of TooDo 2.3.3:

[no description available for this version]


TooDo 2.3.2

Description/changelog of TooDo 2.3.2:

[no description available for this version]


TooDo 2.3.1

Description/changelog of TooDo 2.3.1:

[no description available for this version]


TooDo 2.3.0

Description/changelog of TooDo 2.3.0:

[no description available for this version]


TooDo 2.2.0

Description/changelog of TooDo 2.2.0:

[no description available for this version]


TooDo 2.1.9

Description/changelog of TooDo 2.1.9:

[no description available for this version]


TooDo 2.1.8

Description/changelog of TooDo 2.1.8:

[no description available for this version]


TooDo 2.1.7

Description/changelog of TooDo 2.1.7:

[no description available for this version]


TooDo 2.1.6

Description/changelog of TooDo 2.1.6:

[no description available for this version]


TooDo 2.1.5

Description/changelog of TooDo 2.1.5:

[no description available for this version]


TooDo 2.1.4

Description/changelog of TooDo 2.1.4:

[no description available for this version]


TooDo 2.1.3

Description/changelog of TooDo 2.1.3:

[no description available for this version]


TooDo 2.1.2

Description/changelog of TooDo 2.1.2:

[no description available for this version]


TooDo 2.1.1

Description/changelog of TooDo 2.1.1:

[no description available for this version]


TooDo 2.1.0

Description/changelog of TooDo 2.1.0:

[no description available for this version]


TooDo 2.0.9

Description/changelog of TooDo 2.0.9:

New in the version 2.0.9 of TooDo:

  • Fixed a bug, which prevented from creating notes (whatever textual, audio, image).
  • Fixed a major bug regarding the RTM task priority against the TooDo to-do severity mapping. Now, when a RTM task with a due date is imported, the same default reminder as the category it belongs to is set.
  • Fixed a display bug on the to-dos list, regarding the human friendly due date display when no due date is set for a to-do. The previously displayed value was erroneous.
  • A new check-box in the settings named "Clear completed to-dos" has been added. When this option is checked, at synchronization time, all completed (and currently synchronized) tasks will be cleared from TooDo.
  • Completely redesigned the Notes List and the Notification Conditions List.


TooDo 2.0.8

Description/changelog of TooDo 2.0.8:

Caution: there is a bug in this version, which crashes TooDo when attempting to add a note (whatever its type, i.e. textual, audio, photo) in landscape orientation (which is obviously required for typing text). This bug will be targeted in the following version.

New in the version 2.0.8:

  • Fixed a bug, which occurred sometimes when editing a to-do due date, which caused the application to crash.
  • Fixed a bug, which occurred when setting a to-do fixed remind date. When re-opening the edition of the to-do, the remind date was mistakenly recalculated from the category default reminder offset.


TooDo 2.0.7

Description/changelog of TooDo 2.0.7:

New in the version 2.0.7:

  • Fixed a major bug when creating a to-do, a category or a context. When either the orientation changed, or when a new screen was displayed, the object was created twice. When editing, the object was duplicated.
  • Fixed a bug when changing the device orientation while creating or editing a to-do, a category or a context. Some of the fulfilled controls modifications were lost
  • Changed the button on the to-dos list screen, which enables to go to a to-do notes, notification condition and shares.
  • Added two icons and contextual menu entries on the to-do list, when a to-do is expanded, so as to access its notes and notification conditions: it seems that the little "gears" icons on the list are not clickable.
  • The filtering by to-do status is back on the to-dos list screen. Thus, you can hide for instance all completed to-dos. Use the filtering feature by clicking the first green arrow icon in the bottom bar, and then click/unclick on the right icons.
  • It is now possible to use a ring tone or a specific sound file for the audio reminders. Both on the category and to-do edition.
  • It is now possible to record audio notes and link a photo to a to-do (an old feature that had been disabled). For the moment, the video attachment and recording is not available.

Due to the latest feature enchantments, it is recommended to also install the two following applications:

  1. Rings Extended - this will enable to choose whatever audio file as a reminder.
  2. RingDroid - this is a very handy and smart audio editor, which lets you create your own notification sounds.


TooDo 2.0.6

Description/changelog of TooDo 2.0.6:

[no description available for this version]


TooDo 2.0.5

Description/changelog of TooDo 2.0.5:

New in the version 2.0.5:

  • Fixed a bug concerning the edition of a category in landscape orientation: formerly, it was not possible to scroll down to the bottom of the form;
  • Fixed a bug on the categories list screen: completion icons were truncated;
  • The geo-notification feature is back. If you wish to use it intensively, do not forget to set the preferences of the detection mechanism through the settings screen (there is a section which is called "Geo-notification"): this enables you to spare your battery, by setting the geographical and time-based checking intervals. For a given to-do, if you want to set or several notifications based on your location, click on the little arrow (yes, too little, we know :) next to the right of the green "Conditions" text: there, you can remove, enable/disable geographically-based notification conditions and context-based notification conditions;
  • The new first screen which appears when starting TooDo is the to-dos list screen;
  • Removed the RTM and Toodledo icons from the shortcut screen: the only way to access to the two services settings is to click the icons on the home screen;
  • The to-dos and categories list screen now display each item description in a larger font.


TooDo 2.0.4

Description/changelog of TooDo 2.0.4:

[no description available for this version]


TooDo 2.0.3

Description/changelog of TooDo 2.0.3:

[no description available for this version]


TooDo 2.0.10

Description/changelog of TooDo 2.0.10:

[no description available for this version]


TooDo 2.0.1

Description/changelog of TooDo 2.0.1:

[no description available for this version]


TooDo 2.0

Description/changelog of TooDo 2.0:

[no description available for this version]


TooDo 1.7

Description/changelog of TooDo 1.7:

[no description available for this version]


TooDo 1.6

Description/changelog of TooDo 1.6:

[no description available for this version]


TooDo 1.5

Description/changelog of TooDo 1.5:

[no description available for this version]


TooDo 1.4

Description/changelog of TooDo 1.4:

[no description available for this version]


TooDo 1.3

Description/changelog of TooDo 1.3:

[no description available for this version]


TooDo 1.2

Description/changelog of TooDo 1.2:

[no description available for this version]


TooDo 1.1.1

Description/changelog of TooDo 1.1.1:

[no description available for this version]


TooDo 1.1

Description/changelog of TooDo 1.1:

[no description available for this version]


TooDo 1.0

Description/changelog of TooDo 1.0:

[no description available for this version]



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