
KakaoTalk is an app that allows sending and receiving free IM between Android and iPhone users worldwide.


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  2. Description
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  4. Old versions


Developer: kakao

Category: Communications

Latest version: 2.2.2

Total versions: 16

Submitted: 15 Sep 2010

Updated: 15 Nov 2010


KakaoTalk allows to send and receive free of charge instant messages between it's users. The service supports communication between Android and iPhone users.

This app currently provided in Korean, English & Japanese interface.

Korean description

카카오​톡은 전세계 어디서나 안드로이드폰​과 아이폰 사용자​간 무료로 메시지​를 주고 받을 수 있는 메신저 서비스​입니다​.

가입과 로그인 없이 전화번​호만 있으면 실시간 그룹채​팅 및 1:1 채팅을 즐길 수 있고, 사진​, 동영상​, 연락처 등의 멀티미디어도 간편하게 주고 받을 수 있습니다.


KakaoTalk 2.2.2 seem to be the latest available version. Below you can find file(s) assigned to this version:

Description/changelog of KakaoTalk 2.2.2:

- 3G/WiFi efficiency improved.

Old versions

Below are the earlier versions of KakaoTalk.

KakaoTalk 2.2.1

Description/changelog of KakaoTalk 2.2.1:

- The major country codes listed in the registration page have been reordered
- Fixed the bug that does not show the phonemail input box for first-time Japanese users
- Fixed the application from crashing when Friends search bar is long clicked
- Various minor bugs fixed


KakaoTalk 2.1.1

Description/changelog of KakaoTalk 2.1.1:

- Fixed the bug disrupting music play when trying to save a picture in Nexus S model
- Fixed the bug not being able to take a video in Galaxy S model with Gingerbread
- Fixed the bug initializing emoticons recently used when changing language setting
- Fixed other miscellaneous bugs


KakaoTalk 2.1.0

Description/changelog of KakaoTalk 2.1.0:

- Added KakaoTalk emoticons which can be used both in iOS and Androids
- Custom alert sound added
- See menu by long-clicking a friend and a chat room
- Added feature: Create a shortcut to a specific chat room
- Lock a screen mode added
- See the push connection status
- Share URL, pictures, or videos with KakaoTalk friends
- Fixed bug where users were not able to take a video in Galaxy S2 model
- Fixed bug where users were not able to copy a URL link within a message
- Other bugs fixed


KakaoTalk 2.0.1

Description/changelog of KakaoTalk 2.0.1:

[no description available for this version]


KakaoTalk 2.0.0

Description/changelog of KakaoTalk 2.0.0:

[no description available for this version]


KakaoTalk 1.6.3

Description/changelog of KakaoTalk 1.6.3:

- Fix 3G network error.


KakaoTalk 1.5.1

Description/changelog of KakaoTalk 1.5.1:

- Deleted "Save" button when a profile image is enlarged
- Change in "Message Alert Icon" design
- Minor bug fixes


KakaoTalk 1.4.0

Description/changelog of KakaoTalk 1.4.0:

- Added a feature to export "chat records"
- Improvements in transmitting pictures and videos
- Design improvements
- Change in icon design when failed to send a message


KakaoTalk 1.3.4

Description/changelog of KakaoTalk 1.3.4:

- Minor bug fixes.


KakaoTalk 1.3.3

Description/changelog of KakaoTalk 1.3.3:

[no description available for this version]


KakaoTalk 1.3.2

Description/changelog of KakaoTalk 1.3.2:

- Correction of a bug omitting certain friends.


KakaoTalk 1.3.1

Description/changelog of KakaoTalk 1.3.1:

[no description available for this version]


KakaoTalk 1.3.0

Description/changelog of KakaoTalk 1.3.0:

- English & Japanese supported
- Refreshing Kak​aoT​alk friends in your contacts has been added
- An on/off option for "Fr​ien​ds?​" has been added


KakaoTalk 1.2.1

Description/changelog of KakaoTalk 1.2.1:

Changes in ver 1.2:
- Friends list, export/import feature added
- Improvement of the design

In Korean
<카카오톡 버전 1.2 업데이트 내용>
-친구목록 내보내기/불러오기 기능 추가
-디자인 부분 개선
-채팅방 참여자수 표기 오류 수정
-친구 프로필 화면에서 가로 모드로 회전시키면 암호잠금 뜨는 버그 수정


KakaoTalk 1.0.4

Description/changelog of KakaoTalk 1.0.4:

- Speed up loading

In Korean

<카카오톡 버전1.0.4 업데이트 내용>
- 카카오톡이 종료되었을때, 자동 재실행 기능 추가
- 로딩속도 개선



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