
Jakizu is an Android app that allows you to search for medical services of different kind in the Basque region.


  1. General
  2. Description
  3. Download
  4. Old versions


Developer: Jakizu

Category: Reference

Latest version: 1.1

Total versions: 2

Submitted: 25 Nov 2010

Updated: 25 Nov 2010


Jakizu enables Android user to search medical services in the Basque region. You can filter the search results by categories and find institutions depending on your current location. It is possible to add comments to a hospital or call there right from your Android phone.

Description in Basque:

Jakizun euskadiko zerbitzu medikuen bilatzaile bat eskaintzen dugu. Interfaze erabilterraz baten bidez ospitale, guardiako farmazia edota medikuak aurkitu ahal izango dituzu era bizkorrean.

Gainera, android sistema eragiledun telefonoentzat eginiko aplikazio bat duzu eskura edozein lekutatik erabili ahal izateko.


Jakizu 1.1 seem to be the latest available version. Below you can find file(s) assigned to this version:

Old versions

Below are the earlier versions of Jakizu.

Jakizu 1

Description/changelog of Jakizu 1:

[no description available for this version]



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